Yoshio Kitayama / Setouchi International Art Festival 2010


Jul 19 – Oct 31, 2010

‘Setouchi International Art Festival 2010 – 100 Days Art and Sea Adventure’

venue : seven islands in Setouchi-inlad sea, and Takamatsu seaport area

ticket :  5000yen / adv. 4000yen

official Website : http://www.setouchi-artfest/jp/en

This event features 75 artists and projects with 16 events from 18 countries and regions. Toyoshima Shrine, which can be seen on its elevated ground from Ogi Port, was known for having a diety who protects women in childbirth, and many people used to come to the island to pray for the safe delivery of their children. Inspired by the tradition of the island, Kitayama produced some paintings and will present installation in the island.
