Date|May 18 – June 16, 2019 extended until June 23, 2019
Venue|MEM map
Open hours|12:00-20:00
Closed on Mondays [Unless it is a public holiday or a compensating holiday, in which case will be closed on Tuesday.]
Opening reception
Date&Hour|May 16th, 18:00〜
Yoshi Kitayama has been creating large-scale paintings made with ink on traditional Japanese washi paper since the 1980s. Kitayama divides his work into two series: in his Icon series Kitayama creates two-dimensional images of human clay sculptures that he produces in advance and his abstract Universe series. Considering the figure-ground relationship in art, Icon focuses on the figure, the focal point, and in Universe he focuses on the ground, the background. This exhibition is Kitayama’s first since 2014 and we will exhibit his new works for both series. Notably his newly completed addition to his Universe series, JIKEN (“Incident”), five meters in width, which he has worked for more than 10 years since 2006. In recent years, his painting style has evolved for his Universe works and he paints countless accumulations of small circles covering the entire surface of his works. The atoms and molecules that make up this world cumulate, and these aggregations of infinitesimal circles surge like a wave and create this world brimming with life. He believes that his images are concrete and are created from the perspective of quantum mechanical science and not abstraction.