Date|February 7 – 24, 2019
Venue|MEM map
Open hours|12:00-20:00
Closed on Mondays [Unless it is a public holiday or a compensating holiday, in which case will be closed on Tuesday.]
Exhibition Review by Nobuaki Doi, on RealTokyo
【Video screening and Talk】
Date|Saturday 9th February
18:00〜18:40 Video screening
18:40〜 Talk
Guest|Nobuaki Doi (Animation criticism, research, curation)
Video work list|”Touch you” (12min, 2008), “Closer to the horizon” (7min, 2009),
”inner odyssey” (4min 30sec, 2010), “Dream” (2min, 2010),
”from OKONAI” (3min 1sec, 2012), “from a stone” (4min 54sec, 2013)
”ATOM” (2min 22sec, 2016),
”Looking Up At The Aoki Boughs” (2min 7sec, 2018)
*Admission free, Japanese version only.
*Opening reception will be held after the talk.
Screening : Tatsuhiro Ariyoshi video works
Dates|16th, 17th, 23rd and 24th, February (4 Days)
Hours|18:00〜 (about 40min)
Video work list|same as the above
Seating Capacity|10 seats (There is standing room behind the seats)