2018年, カンヴァスに油彩, 100×80.3cm
Dates|April 28 – May 27, 2018
Venue|MEM map
Open hours|12:00-20:00
Closed|Mon. (open on holiday Mon. and closed on the following days)
Tel.|+81 (0)3-6459-3205
Artist Talk|April 28, Saturday, 18:00〜, at MEM (Japanese version only)
*Opening reception will be held after the talk.
Asyl in German means “holy ground” or “area of freedom.” Over the past ten years as Kodama has faced her series of paintings, Deep Rhyme which presents the encounter of feelings in nature before the recognition that one has sensed something. When producing work, she has continued to use a technique where she wraps her subject in thin layers on the surface of the canvas. Now she seeks a new direction by peeling off those layers to uncover the life form that is inside. In this exhibition, we will interweave this work that represents her new direction, Asyl and her recent work, Deep Rhyme to show Kodama as an artist in the midst of the transition phase.
* The monograph, Deep Rhyme, has been published to accompany this exhibition.
【New Publication】
Yasue Kodama “Deep Rhyme”
*80pages 35plates
*Soft cover
*Text:Toshiaki Minemura, Yasue Kodama
*Design:Kenta Shibano
*Language:Japanese, English
*Published by MEM