2018, ビデオインスタレーション, 30分ループ上映

2016, フォトコラージュ、ドローイング
紙、墨汁、鉛筆、色鉛筆, 38x38cm

Maki Toshima “imaginary lines”
Dates|February 8 – 25, 2018
Venue|MEM map
open hours|12:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays [Tue. if the Mon. is a public holiday]
Tel|+81 (0)3-6459-3205
Opening reception|February 9, 19:00〜
The concept for this project originated in the gap between emotional distance and the actual distance on maps. Toshima combines drawings and photo collages of scenery in various countries to produce maps of imagined landscapes. A new video work will also be exhibited.
*This exhibition will be held as one of the Partnership Programs of Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions.