Hiroshi Mizuta “Traffic Jam”

Dates: November 24 – December 25, 2012
Venue: MEM map
open hours:12:00-20:00 closed on Mondays
tel. +81-(0)3-6459-3205

Artists talk/Reception Party: November 24th 18:00-


Almost every day I go to my studio and strive to paint whatever comes to mind within that limited time. When nothing comes to mind, I modify old paintings or I paint similar images. It is almost like the paintings gain siblings. As they accumulated more and more, paintings with the motif of the car, what would later become Traffic Jam, increased with a mysterious force.

A friend of mine observed that the paintings piled up in my studio might also be considered a traffic jam, so I used that word as the title of my exhibition. I hope that you may take your time and look at the works as if you were in a not unpleasant traffic jam.

Hiroshi Mizuta