Takeshi Honda “Uro Tsuki”

Dates: May 17 – June 8, 2014
Venue: MEM map
open hours:12:00-20:00 closed on Mondays
tel. +81-(0)3-6459-3205

Artist talk:7th June (Sat.) 18:00〜

※Japanese only

Takeshi Honda was born in Yamaguchi prefecture in 1958. After three months of traveling across Europe in his 20s, he decided to settle in the town of Tono, Iwate Prefecture and follow the tradition of black and white landscape paintings.
He started using charcoal pencils for his works on paper. His representative works entitled “Walkng in the Mountains” have been produced since the beginning of 1990s. He would sometimes spend more than ten hours for walking in the mountains of Tono. Honda stresses that this wandering is closely tied to his artistic practice. The light he encounters during these walks has become a subject of his elaborate works, which sometimes measure nearly eight meters in length. This exhibition will feature the new works of the moon that represent Honda’s vision of the universe along with his past works of hollows of large trees.
His works have been exhibited in international venues, including Iwate Museum of Art, Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and The Drawing Center (New York).